historical module

API for e.g. https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/TSLA/history?p=TSLA.

Note: the historical API is used for querying time series data;


Basic Usage

=FinData("historical", "TSLA", {"period1","2022-02-22";"period2","2022-11-11"})


date open high low close adjClose volume
2/22/2022 $278.04 $285.58 $267.03 $273.84 $273.84 $83,288,100.00
2/23/2022 $276.81 $278.43 $253.52 $254.68 $254.68 $95,256,900.00
2/24/2022 $233.46 $267.49 $233.33 $266.92 $266.92 $135,322,200.00
2/25/2022 $269.74 $273.17 $260.80 $269.96 $269.96 $76,067,700.00

Note: The example output above does not cover all possible return results, which can vary by asset type and even time of day (trading period).

Query Options

Name Type Default Description
period1 Date* required Starting period
period2 Date* (today) Ending period
interval "1d", "1wk", "1mo" "1d" Interval (day, week, month)
events string "history"
includeAdjustedClose boolean true

Path Option

None. historical Module doesn't support Path Option.

Column Option


You may select the specific column(s) from origin data.

=FinData("historical", "TSLA", {"period1","2022-02-22";"period2","2022-11-11"},,"date,open")


date open
2/22/2022 $278.04
2/23/2022 $276.81
2/24/2022 $233.46
2/25/2022 $269.74